
My grandpa passed away relatively early at the age of 68, but it’s been 10 years since then. Those who knew him, his contemporaries, his followers, they’ve all aged 10 more years. That’s why this film needs to be made now.


There were no internet or cell phone cameras back in his day. The memory of his legacy lives in the minds of those he touched and those who helped him touch others. Through them, we will chart the course of my grandpa’s life. 


But we cannot reach them without your help. Helping fund this film will allow my team and I to focus full time on seeking out, reaching out, and speaking out to those who are familiar with Nguyen Duc Quang who live in Vietnam, the Netherlands, Texas, San Jose, and all across the globe!


My team and I are now in the process of raising the funds to begin making the film. After budgeting out the costs, we believe we can make a quality film that properly honors Nguyen Duc Quang and his legacy.


This money would go towards purchasing equipment, paying crew members, and funding the travel and lodging expenses. Any amount you could give would mean the world my family and myself. Thank you for helping us tell my grandfather’s story to a new Vietnamese generation!


We are also looking for financial backing and sponsorship from individuals and corporations who would be interested in larger contributions for Donation Tier Credits and possible return on donations.


Click here for more information.